Chúng mình rất vui khi nhận được liên hệ từ bạn. Bạn có thể liên lạc trực tiếp với chúng tôi qua các kênh sau:
(Lưu ý: Đây là thông tin liên hệ quản lý hệ thống. Nếu bạn cần liên hệ mua buôn, hãy liên hệ trực tiếp với thông tin liên lạc trong chi tiết từng tin đăng)
I'm writing to offer you some exclusive content which perhaps would win over your audience views on your website Will you be able to give us a chance to present our content? If you are, then we will ask you for a dofollow link to promote our gambling site in that content or else for a regular link. Kindly share the price.
Note: On the off chance if you wish to offer more sites, kindly price them and send.
Not sure you got my last email, but I’ll get back to the point.
As I mentioned - It's a pleasure to connect with you if you make us present you with a wonderful topic which may attract your attention. Topic will be related to your site theme and wish to have a dofollow link to our website pertinent to gambling site or regular link. Please mention the category and price as well if you consider our offer.
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em cần thanh lý đồ bộ bé trai, gái để lấy lại vốn.
BUONVNXK.COM là hệ thống giúp tự động kết nối khách hàng và các mối buôn hàng VNXK, được thiết kế dành riêng cho các nhà buôn sỉ đồ Xuất Khẩu và khách hàng có thể tìm thấy nhau.
Bình luận
I hope you're well.
I'm writing to offer you some exclusive content which perhaps would win over your audience views on your website
Will you be able to give us a chance to present our content? If you are, then we will ask you for a dofollow link to promote our gambling site
in that content or else for a regular link. Kindly share the price.
Note: On the off chance if you wish to offer more sites, kindly price them and send.
Wishing you the very best!
Not sure you got my last email, but I’ll get back to the point.
As I mentioned - It's a pleasure to connect with you if you make us present you with a wonderful topic which may attract your attention. Topic will be related to your site theme
and wish to have a dofollow link to our website pertinent to gambling site or regular link. Please mention the category and price as well if you consider our offer.
Note: On the off chance if you wish to offer more sites, kindly price them and send.
Awaiting your reply.
I’ve just checked your website content and I must admit that you did a great job.
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applicable to gambling sites or regular links.
Can you please let me know how much you charge for this service?
Note: In case you have more sites to offer, please send those as well along with the prices.
Thanks "
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